1·He has also spent serious time training his young staff of full-time baristas.
2·Upstairs about 30 young staff work their sewing machines, hemming as the radio hums.
3·The challenge was to get these young staff to remember to use respectful tones of voice.
4·But staying in Arkansas also had another big benefit: it helped our young staff keep focused on the work at hand.
5·If the young staff and old employees work together to deal with the same problems, they can better help a company to complete their work.
6·“We offer an engineer 20, 000 yuan per month in China, but 20, 000 US dollars overseas - Young staff can make a fortune in two or three years, ” Xu said.
徐说:“我们为在国内工作的工程师开出的月薪是两万元人民币,而海外工程师的月薪则是两万美元。 两三年的时间,年轻员工就可以赚得一笔不小的数目。”
7·He talked about how he loved our beautiful campus and the close relationship between BNUZ and BNU. He also sang high praise for the the young staff members of SFL.
8·Two young women hotel staff were asleep there.
9·By his own account, Douglas Adams started young in comedy. He claimed it began in the maternity hospital in Cambridge, where he brought unexpected joy into the lives of the nursing staff.
10·He also persuaded a young writer on his staff to take the course, in order to wean herself from various medications.